As part of its corporate governance system, Attijariwafa bank has established a set of rules that govern how its Board of Directors operates.
A Group Governance Charter, setting out the governance system in place within the Attijariwafa bank Group, provides a formal framework for the principles, rules, procedures and processes laid down to govern the way the system operates within the bank and its subsidiaries, with the aim of promoting sound corporate governance.
Within the framework of this system, a set of rules govern the way in which the bank's Board of Directors operates, rules of procedure set out its missions and the ways in which its meetings are organized and held, while a Directors Charter sets out the rights and obligations associated with the role of Director, particularly as regards the confidentiality of information, the management of conflicts of interest and transactions involving the bank's securities.
Following best corporate governance practices, the Board of Directors has set up 6 specialized committees to provide in-depth analyses and advice on specific issues.
These Committees are governed by a charter or rules of procedure defining their mandate, composition, scope and operating rules.
(*) 3 sub-committees issued from Governance, Appointment and Remuneration Commiittee with different compositions depending on the prerogatives of each sub-committee